7 Reasons Why Being An Introvert Is Not Bad

Many people feel more comfortable in their own space than surrounded by a vast crowd. These people are incredibly shy. They love being alone or love to spend time in their small cozy group. Social situations are uneasy for them; they prefer to be silent and hate being louder than their thoughts. If someone approaches them for a party or social gathering, they feel as if hungry piranhas jumping in their stomach, and their brain turns into a battlefield to decide whether to go for it or not. The English dictionary has a word to describe such people, and the word is “Introvert.” Now the question is whether being an Introvert is good or bad and whether this behavior is abnormal and harmful?

Well, to me, the answer is not always “Yes.” Being an introvert has its advantage.

There Are Many Positive Aspects of Being an Introvert.

  • They are inadvertently good listeners: We often speak to respond, and rarely we listen. Many relationships crumble because of this. On the other hand, it is not necessary to talk all the time to construct relationships. It is the exact opposite. It would help if you listened with profound interest. When you become inquisitive, then the person who is talking to you will feel heard and connected.
  • They play a safe game: As they share most of the time with their thoughts. They observe things from all perspectives hence don’t fall into the trap of uncertainty easily.
  • They don’t show off: Most of them live a simple life without any bother of status, show-off. They don’t need to be the center of attraction and don’t let their egos get in the way of their productivity at work. They are willing to give credit where credit is due, rather than take credit for other team members.
  • They love their own company: They cherish being alone and enjoy being themselves, so loneliness never haunts them.
  • Most of them have creative and artistic minds: As they are more engrossed in their thoughts, they are more imaginative and far-sighted. Many good writers, painters are introverts because this work needs loneliness. J.K. Rowling and John Green don’t need any introduction. Both are the best seller authors in the world, but they do self-identify as introverts.
  • They share a good bonding with their siblings, parents, and friends as their circle is small. Most of them are trustworthy and loyal.
  • They are valuable and crucial assets to any workplace: Introverts tend to be independent, imaginative, and efficient by nature, they have personality traits that make them profitable, they are self-starters and don’t need much spoon-feeding when it comes to learning new skills; hence, they can become an essential addition to any workplace.

After having so many benefits still, some people may face some hardship being a wallflower.

I am suggesting a few simple methods, which may help these introverts to make their life easy.

  • Try to make eye contact while speaking: Don’t worry; everyone is blessed with beautiful eyes besides whatever your retina color is, be it brown, black, blue, or green these pair of berries are beautiful, so don’t be shy to make contact with the other pair of eyes while talking, it fills confidence inside you.
  • Wear a smile while talking: A smile is the best defense mechanism when it comes to nervousness. No doubt how nervous you are if you manage efficiently to put that smiling curve on your face, then you can win the match.
  • Try something different: Breakout the rut. Come out of the cocoon, take a different path, explore a new place. This will add freshness and confidence in your life.
  • Do not allow people to take you as an option: People may take you for granted if you do not speak out for your rights. And they may utilize you for the same. So try to give a voice to your thoughts in such situations.
  • Be yourself: Aloft all else, embrace who you are; relish people and relationships more by looking at them from different angles and not in any way tamper with the importance of who you are!

Being real to yourself is one of the keys to contentment. If you feel you need a change then try with a few baby steps first. Small alterations lead to massive makeovers. Be lite and bright in your thoughts.

Suchismita Pradhan

I am an accountant by profession, co-author of the novel,Aggregate50 and a creative writer who draws inspiration from daily life and tries to look at a situation from different perspectives

4 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why Being An Introvert Is Not Bad

  • November 5, 2020 at 4:14 am

    Nicely written article. Thanks for sharing this information

  • November 5, 2020 at 5:01 am

    Hello suchi, great article, even my daughter is an introvert and sometimes I feel like changing her attitude but after reading this wonderful write-up I gave up my idea of changing her attitude. Thank you so much.

    • November 5, 2020 at 7:52 am

      Thanks, Swati, I am glad you liked it. Personal traits differ but not necessarily everything is bad.


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