Tricks You Can Adopt to be a Better Version of Yourself

You need not adopt one big step to improve your life.

Instead, you can keep on working on yourself constantly, on little things.

We tend to think of time in terms of hours, days, weeks or months.

To improve yourself, you don’t need a huge block of time. Just ten minutes is good to go!

When we have ten minutes to ourself, we tend to spend it waiting for the next scheduled thing. But, this small block of time can go a long way in making your life happier and better.

Here are some ways to create a better version of yourself.

Do not Stop Learning

Try to learn something new every day.

You can learn anything, right from reading a book to listening to podcast.

Be responsible and keep learning.

Try to read something at least for an hour every single day.

Well, reading something every day needs a lot of commitment. In fact, 42% of graduates are reported to never have read another book after passing college.

But, let me tell you, it is really easy to sit and read if you know how to read.

So, start from today!

Increase Focus and Productivity with 50/10 Rule

The 50/10 rule allows to increase productivity and make the most of your time.


Focus on the task at hand for 50 minutes.

Make sure to give it undivided attention during this period.

When 50 minutes are over, allow yourself a 10 minutes break.

50 minutes is manageable for interrupted work and 10 minutes is enough to refresh and energise you for the nest 50 minutes.

You can do anything you love to in the 10 minutes break. Just make sure you get back to work after 10 minutes is over.

Develop a Morning Routine

According to experts, the key to having a productive day is breaking down all tasks into small steps and scheduling all of them.

Though this might sound a little overwhelming, you know what tasks you have right from the time you start the day.

The advantage here is, you do not waste time deciding things. Believe me, this will help you complete all your tasks on time.

Pick up a Hobby

Apart from your usual favourites, what about picking up something new?

You can pick up anything from rock climbing, golf, fencing to ice skating. You can also try out dancing, cooking or web design.

Learning something new will help you stretch yourself in multiple aspects, both physically and mentally.

Overcome Fears

Well, all of us are afraid of something or the other.

You can be afraid of uncertainty, public speaking, anything.

Fears prevent growth.

Recognise your fears and overcome them to improve yourself.

Take a Selfie

Take a selfie, but do not share that.

Appreciate the things that makes you.

After taking the selfie, write down the things that you appreciate about yourself.

Put them on your mirror.

This will help to boost on confidence on the days you are feeling low.

What do you do to improve yourself? Please share with us in the comments section.

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